These are the stands participating in this year’s 2.Dh5:
- Het Actiefonds
- Anarchistiche Groep Amsterdam
- Appelscha
- Asian Raisins
- Atalanta
- Boekenwinkel Opstand
- Boekhandel Rosa
- DemNed, Council of Communities from Kurdistan in the Netherlands
- DocP – BDS Nederland (Diensten en Onderzoek Centrum Palestina – Boycot, Desinvestering en Sancties Nederland)
- Fairtrade Palestine
- De Fiets- en Hondenstop
- Fort van Sjakoo
- Integrity Editions
- Leuven Anarchistische Groep
- Mokum tegen Fascisme
- Paper Jam
- Paper Surgery
- The Post Office Distro
- Stop the War on Migrants
- Stroomversnellers
- United Fried Front
- via negativa
- Vloerwerk en Horeca United
- Vrije Bond
- De Vrije Markt Worker’s Co-op
More Information
Het Actiefonds
Het Actiefonds is independent and revolutionary. We are a fund for activism. Since 1968 we have been raising funds among individual donors to finance activists globally who share our vision of a just and sustainable society. Het Actiefonds is an organisation that supports the struggle for a sustainable and socially just world in which people and the environment are more important than economic interests. We do so by financially supporting grassroots activists and social movements all over the world.
Anarchistische Groep Amsterdam (AGA)
We are a group of people that meet every two weeks to organize solidarity, actions, discussions, benefits and exchange ideas, information and gossip. We run a library, open every Saturday (for over 12 years now), where you can read and borrow books and where you meet us if there is something you would like to discuss. This is also where we host many of our discussions, film nights and events. We are a mixed group and many of the events we organize are in English. For an overview click on ‘English part of this site‘ under categories and all our postings (that are also) in English should come up.
Address for the Anarchist Library:
Every Saturday 14:00-18:00
Eerste Schinkelstraat 14-16, Amsterdam
If you’d like to be informed of some of our activities mail us at aga@agamsterdam.org to say you would like to be on our mailing list (We promise we won’t spam you. And not every mail will be in English.
The anarchist camping site Appelscha (free-socialist, anti-militarist, drug and alcohol-free for freedom of reflection) has existed since 1933 and originated from the land days of anarchist and free-socialist youth groups from the north. To this day, Pinksterlanddagen is held annually on this site. In 2023, it will be held from 26 – 29 May, including camping for the weekend, workshops, discussions, and a children’s and cultural program.
The grounds are jointly managed by regular visitors. Campers each make their own contribution to the upkeep and development of the grounds and to the anarchist movement. In the early days, anarchism was mainly a labor movement that was concerned with anti-militarism, abstinence and free thinking. Since the 1960s, Provo and the squatters’ movement have left their mark on the development of the field around themes such as drugs, education, sexuality and property. In the present time, we mainly focus on ecological issues, animal rights, anti-fascism and the increasing government repression.
ASEED Europe – Action for Solidarity, Equality, Environment and Diversity
ASEED Europe (Action for Sustainability, Environment, Equality and Diversity) is a grassroots organisation working in the field of agricultural justice. We advocate for food sovereignty and agroecology, working together with activists, small scale farmers, grassroots collectives and other groups for social and environmental justice. We are aiming to raise awareness on the structural causes of environmental destruction and social injustice, particularly in relation to food systems, and are supportive of alternative, sustainable and fair food production.
Asian Raisins
The Asian Raisins foundation is one of the leading organisations fighting racism against East- and Southeast Asian people in the Netherlands since March 2020. With the help of 60 volunteers, we operate from our three programs: Storytelling, Action and Community.
These programs show the diversity within the East- and Southeast Asian communities in the Netherlands, prevent, detect and act on racist events and create an environment in which people from these communities can get together. By doing this, we strive for an equal, representative, inclusive and eventually racism-free country.
Atalanta is a small publishing house of anarchist & feminist & vegan (etc) books. Also of free music. The topics range from economics and philosophy to environmentally friendly tips for everyday life. Never middle of the road! We also have books for children. And games! (We have some books and a game in English but most of our books are in Dutch.)
Anarchistische Boekenwinkel Opstand
We organize info events, film screenings, run a library and distribute books/zines, have space for DIY and tech projects and reading and discussion groups. The space is self-managed and a platform for learning and collective action, for dismantling existing structures of oppression and discrimination! We provide a space for connecting like-minded people through discussing political and social topics, sharing resources, AND BOOKS! We all identify as anarchists to different degrees and try to figure out what it means to us and can mean to others. We are pro-solidarity and explicitly anti-capitalist!
Boekhandel Rosa
Rosa is a leftist political bookstore, specializing in anarchism, feminism, socialism and various forms of activism. The range consists of second hand, new and antiquarian books, magazines, t-shirts, pins, buttons, sew-on, cards, posters, DVDs and music.
If you are looking for information about, for example, globalisation, bio-industry or the background to conflicts in the world, then Rosa is the right place for you. We carry both introductory works and in-depth research.
Rosa is a non-commercial foundation with the aim of promoting political awareness and social involvement in the north of the Netherlands. In addition, we want to contribute to the development of an equal society via self-determination. An egalitarian society does not come naturally, and the struggle for this starts with awareness. The employees jointly determine the course of the bookstore and divide the tasks among themselves: ni dieu, ni maître!
Opening hours
Rosa is open every Tuesday (13:00-17:00) and temporarily also on Wednesdays (14:00-17:00). You can also make an appointment for another day.
Oliemuldersweg 43, 9713VA Groningen, Netherlands
DemNed, Council of Communities from Kurdistan in the Netherlands
DemNed is a council of communities from Kurdistan in the Netherlands. Our supporters are not only Kurds, although this is the largest group, but also other communities from Kurdistan such as the Assyrians, Armenians, Yezidi, Christians, Alevis, and Sunnis. DemNed is an umbrella body in the Netherlands. These communities in the Netherlands number about 130,000 citizens. They live all over the Netherlands, the big cities like Amsterdam, The Hague, Rotterdam, and Arnhem are the most inhabited cities by these communities. In these cities, we also have foundations or associations organized according to the people’s council system. A people’s council consists of different committees such as external relations, an education committee, cultural and social committees, and a justice committee. All these committees work independently but meet with their activities. For example, the external relations committee deals with maintaining (diplomatic) contacts but is also a mouthpiece of the constituency. The cultural committee deals with cultural activities and the social committee maintains contact with the supporters. Much attention is paid to the development of the members. People are heard, activated, and trained. Women play an important role within the community, they have an independent commune or their own women’s council where they organize their own activities focused on women and children. That women play an important role is also reflected in the co-chairmanship. Every council has a co-chairmanship which consists of a man and a woman.
Furthermore, democracy is a very important value of Demned. All committee members and chairs are democratically elected by the members of a foundation/association. Elections are held locally for the chair positions and nationally for the co-chairs of Demned.
DocP – BDS Nederland (Diensten en Onderzoek Centrum Palestina – Boycot, Desinvestering en Sancties Nederland)
The Services and Research Center Palestine foundation (Diensten en Onderzoek Centrum Palestina – docP), was established in 2012 and is committed to supporting, strengthening and joining forces with boycott, divestment and sanction (BDS) projects in the Netherlands. In 2009, the network “Cooperating for Palestine” started the BDS campaign in the Netherlands. DocP was founded to support the network professionally.
To this end, docP initiates campaigns itself and supports organizations and/or individuals who want to start campaigns. In 2020, we received permission from the BDS National Committee (BNC) in Ramallah to use the name BDS Netherlands together with the well-known international logo from now on. (https://bdsnederland.nl/docp-gaat-de-naam-bds-nederland-voeren/)
Fairtrade Palestine
We are a group of Palestinian activists who sell products from Palestine to support the Palestinian people especially small farmers and women from who we buy products. We make no profit.
We sell products like olive oil, za’atar, dates, original kufiyas etc., all made in Palestine.
We also raise awareness about the situation in Palestine through our Instagram page (https://www.instagram.com/fairtradepalestine.nl/).
De Fiets- en Hondenstop
Queer owned bicycle mechanic based out of Amsterdam. DFHS aims to make bicycle transportation accessible to everyone regardless of bicycle knowledge and/or income. I will offer on the spot estimates and tune ups for all bicycles and will explain basic mechanics to folks interested.
Fort van Sjakoo
Bookshop “het Fort van Sjakoo” is located in the center of Amsterdam since 1977. The building was squatted as part of a wider protest on the route of a planned highway right through the inner-city Nieuwmarkt neighbourhood, and is legalized since 1988.
The bookshop is run by a collective of 10 volunteers. We are there to provide you with information ranging from the latest news and publications to background info and history. Aside from our wide selection of libertarian, political and sociocritical literature, we also focus on foreign publications, music and magazines. Come and visit us! If you’re looking for something special, we will try to find it for you.
We are open on: Monday to Friday from 11 to 18 hrs and Saturday from 11 to 17 hrs
Jodenbreestraat 24, 1011 NK Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Integrity Editions
Borderless anarchist publisher elevating content by putting it in print form.
Leuven Anarchistische Groep
Leuven Anarchist Group, or LAG, is an anarchist organization that strives for a better society. We are involved in information evenings, film screenings, demonstrations and other actions. We also have a distro with a large collection of stickers, books in Dutch and English, T-shirts, flags, buttons and more.
Mokum tegen Fascisme
Who/what are we?
– A coalition of organizations, groups, local residents and other individuals who work together to fight the normalization and manifestation of fascism in Amsterdam.
– Uniting front: we work together where we agree, but keep our own political views and do not have to agree completely on other matters (with the exception of discrimination on any ground, which will not be tolerated under any circumstances)
– Our goal is to build an accessible to all mass movement against fascism and an overall anti-fascist sentiment in Amsterdam
– We work together with anti-fascist networks throughout the Netherlands
Paper Jam Printcollectief
Paper Jam is an anarchist printing collective that fights against the white supremacist cis-hetero-patriarchical ableist ecocidal capitalist global empire. We print all different kinds of products with different materials from flyers and posters to zines and we even bind books. We work on a donation base so everyone can determine what they want to give according to their abilities.
Paper Surgery
Paper Surgery is a one queer woman project.
paper surgery is my act of resistence against the fascist aesthetic imposed by society through media, i revolt that imaginery with my own juxtaposition, a subverted one of the reality.
refusing the marketing logic, refused to branding, out of capitalism, out of art galleries dictatorship, into the struggle of human beings for self determination, for freedom and anarchy.
The Post Office Distro
The Post Office is an affinity group from Antwerp that wants to show a different perspective on social, personal and anarchist activism via zines, stickers, and art. With the question of where and how we can find freedom and self-expression in our daily lives, the distro of the Post Office looks for provocative questions about gender, nihilism, civilization, climate collapse, individualism, polyamory, insurrection, and more.
Stop the War on Migrants
Stop the War on Migrants is a campaign against the current EU border and migration policies. It focuses on the way the EU militarises border security, both at its own (external) borders and in third countries, and the arms and security companies, such as Airbus and Thales, lobbying for and profiting from this.
Currently we are mainly working on the international Abolish Frontex campaign. No border security, detention and deportations, but safe routes, good shelter and working on removing the causes that force people to flee.
Learning to change the world together
You want to change the world and fight injustice. Stroomversnellers is there to support you in this.
We provide advice, training, workshops, conflict mediation and facilitation of meetings. In addition, we offer a (growing) toolbox on our website with freely accessible manuals on organizing and strategy, action skills and facilitation.
We work with everyone who strives for a green and inclusive society. From large NGOs to small groups of enthusiastic activists
United Fried Front
We are the United Fried Front, an interdisciplinary artist and activist collective. We consist of a mix of artists hailing from an international background, working with a range of mediums, from experimental printmaking and publishing, to 3D animation, meme artivism, interactive installations and even theater. The topics we are most focused on are anti-gentrifi cation & institutional critique through a queer-feminist lens. Some names of members of our collective are null, Sommag, Armen, repelsteeltje, Ufo, Noice, Calivar.
via negativa
via negativa, or apophatic theology, refers to the practice of approaching God by way of negation, speaking only in terms of what he is not—for he cannot be positively defined. we appropriate these words and apply them to anarchy, the idea of which, to us at least, is perfectly described by their meaning: ‘negative way’. we seek to publish and distribute works that illuminate the path of negation, and perhaps inspire you to walk it too. our own publications are offered in small print, large print and braille—all at the same price (because fuck ableism).
Vloerwerk en Horeca United
Floor work is a solidarity network of working people who help each other with problems at work. In recent years, Floorwerk has won numerous conflicts, and in addition to Amsterdam, there is also an active group in Utrecht. Come to the stand for more information about our concrete actions against work conflicts, stickers and more.
Horeca United
We are Horeca United, a newly founded collective of hospitality workers in Amsterdam. Together, we are building a self-organized grassroots union and a network of solidarity.
Our aim is to create better work conditions for all working in horeca; no more unpaid hours of work, getting forced to work when we are sick. No more getting fired on the spot for stupid reasons. No more not getting to take a break. No more minimum wages!
We believe in our collective power as workers to improve our lives, to organize and find our own solutions. Waiting for the state to fix this situation is not an option. We don’t have to accept abuse and exploitation as part of our work. They say that if we can’t handle the conditions, we should leave. We say it’s time to unite and fight back, because we can make it better. We can have jobs that we are proud of.
Do you have problems with your boss? Different from conventional unions, we do provide direct action and moral support. We don’t ask you for any money, membership is free. Assemblies are open for all, and decisions are made by all in consent. We organize ourselves, in an anti-hierarchical way, and we support each other by planning and doing direct actions.
This is a proven method – Horeca United has its roots in the solidarity network Vloerwerk. They have won countless of labor conflicts, in self-organized campaigns. Our friends from the Radical Riders also originate from Vloerwerk, and follow a similar approach of direct, collective action.
Some try to convince us that we need experts gathering far away in fancy offices to represent our rights. Together we can represent ourselves, and talk about what really matters. Make it impossible for bosses to ignore us, join the fight for better work!
Vrije Bond
The Vrije Bond (Free Union) is the anarchist federatie in the Netherlands and Flanders. In the Netherlands it is the fastest growing and largest revolutionary membersorganisation. The Vrije Bond works on a principle of self-organisation and strengthening the initiatives of anarchists and sympathisers. This takes place through the solidarity fund, our quarterly magazine Buiten de Orde, and through many kinds of practical support being organised within its network. Members and active groups within the Vrije Bond are active in many fields of struggle, from labour, feminism and queer struggle, to antifascism, no border struggle, environmentalism and more.
De Vrije Markt Worker’s Co-op
We are workers co-op de Vrije Markt (the Free Market). We distribute Zapatista coffee and espresso, soap and cleaning products from the occupied factory Viome in Greece, wine from the Spanish CNT and much more. All products produced by other workers’ cooperatives, so without bosses and shareholders! Usually organic, but always exploitation free. We function as a webshop, but you sometimes come across us in person at political meetings. We are located in Amsterdam.