Now is the Time of Monsters - Amsterdam 2023
Full Spectrum Resistance - Pipi & Jelle
How can we be powerful, create diverse strategies to protect life on Earth? And what can do we learn from resistance movements in the past? In this interactive workshop we will work with these questions. The workshop is inspired by the book Full Spectrum Resistance by Aric McBay.

Changing the Game - Amsterdam 2022
What can anarchists learn from Extinction Rebellion? - Climate activists
Right from the very beginning XR has been met with a lot of criticism from people involved in radical politics. At the same nobody can deny XR's success in getting tens of thousands of people involved in direct action. So let's reverse the question: what can anarchists and other radicals learn from Extinction Rebellion?

Changing the Game - Amsterdam 2022
Mediation & Transformative Justice Workshop - Weerstand conflictbemiddeling
Activist groups experience power imbalances, disagreements and conflicts. How we deal with this influences the quality of our relationships and our capacity to fight. In this workshop we give an introduction to mediation and transformative justice both in theory and practice.

Changing the Game - Amsterdam 2022
Wheelchair activism & disability in activist spaces - Fakkelplemp
We will talk about two how to achieve two goals in this workshop. Firstly, how to use the common feeling of discomfort over other peoples' disability to the advantage of the action. Secondly, how to make actions comfortable for everybody and every body.

Changing the Game - Amsterdam 2022
Sustainable activism - Feros
Resilience is the ability to 'bounce back' from stress or challenge. In this workshop we explore different ways to increase this capacity, both for ourselves and for our groups, in order to empower us to engage with our activism in a way that is more sustainable, joyful and inclusive.

Uit de Pan - In het Vuur - Online 2021
Comfortably numb: perspectives on action within geographic contexts - Marina and Kasia, Suinbike Suleimenova, Roberto Morris & Renato D'Alencon
How does the experience of organizing, direct action, research, and other political activity relate to the local and historical contexts in which they exist? What can activists in different cultures and political climates find different or common, what lessons can they learn from each other's experience? How does it relate to one's position in the neocolonial global North/South divide?

Uit de Pan - In het Vuur - Online 2021
Movement strategy or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Diversity of Tactics - Harriet Bergman, Kees Stad
NOTE: this workshop changed slightly in its form and will now be in Dutch. Hoe bouw je een diverse beweging waarin verschillende soorten campagnes, acties en groepen elkaar kunnen aanvullen en versterken in plaats van in de weg zitten? We gaan in gesprek met iemand uit de radicale beweging uit de jaren 80 en mensen die nu actief zijn binnen de klimaatbeweging.

Defeating Dystopia? - Utrecht 2020
Barricade (ACU) – Strategies for the housing struggle - The Barricade
During this conversation, different action groups and individuals fighting for livable housing in different cities in the Netherlands will share their struggles and tactics, and discuss the next steps towards housing for all.

Defeating Dystopia? - Utrecht 2020
Reflecting on Extinction Rebellion - Clara
Extinction Rebellion (XR) has an extreme stance on actions organised under its name: non-violent mass civil disobedience to disrupt – but also cooperation with the police. Where does this insistence on this tactic come from, and where to go from here?