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Solidariteit - Amsterdam 2024

A community-governed digital platform?

Location Ru Paré

Chris Lebeaustraat 4
Amsterdam experiments with a digital platform for a transnational artists network. One which is used, built and maintained by the community thinking through lumbung (commons) values. =

1 a hangout space, digital living room

2 a publishing tool (for video, music, books, social media)

3 a library, learning center

4 pantry (storage) as a shared resource between the lumbung inter-lokal

5 takes care of the user’s privacy and is aware of their political vulnerability

6 slow growing and to be unstable is part of the deal is an online platform build in the context of documenta fifteen for network building amongst invited collectives. (Documenta fifteen is a large-scale art exhibition which occurs every 5 year in Kassel, Germany. It is/was supposed to be showing the best modern/global art of the moment). ‘Lumbung’ in short means ‘collective pot’ in Indonesian language. was made to provide a number of tools and a collective publishing outlet for this diverse network to experiment and share collective processes (through harvests). The aim was to build a digital infrastructure for the network that is not extractive and exploitative.

The covid pandemic, and the ensuing digitization of so many aspects of creative practice, offered an extra reason to look into the often-overlooked networked media practices. As diverse, joyful, and often political practices all get mediated through the same corporate tools,, therefore, is an urgent experiment that tries out what an artist-run digital space could be like. The challenge now is making a platform that is owned and operated by the community of users themselves: which means us! (and not a service that is run by a corporation). A digital space that is built, owned, and maintained by the lumbung network around slow-growth and lumbung values.

7 is an initiative for a community-governed digital platform

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Ru Paré
Chris Lebeaustraat 4 Amsterdam
Blue room