Now is the Time of Monsters - Amsterdam 2023
Dutch anarchist history 1870-1940 - Anarchist historian
The Netherlands has an amazing yet largely obscured history of struggles for a better world. This talk will give an overview of the powerful Dutch Anarchist movement from 1870 to 1940 and lift out inspirational stories to give life to the whole.

Changing the Game - Amsterdam 2022
What can anarchists learn from Extinction Rebellion? - Climate activists
Right from the very beginning XR has been met with a lot of criticism from people involved in radical politics. At the same nobody can deny XR's success in getting tens of thousands of people involved in direct action. So let's reverse the question: what can anarchists and other radicals learn from Extinction Rebellion?

Changing the Game - Amsterdam 2022
Food autonomy as backbone of anarchist and autonomous societies - ASEED
We will look at different examples of autonomous groups all over the world, such as the Zapatistas in Chiapas and the ZAD Notre Dame des Landes and try to understand the importance of their autonomous agricultural projects, and how those can be inspirations for our political fight against capitalism and state control.

Defeating Dystopia? - Utrecht 2020
Hoe de groei van hiërarchie tegengaan? Een wiskundige benadering - Evo
Bestaande theorieën zijn onvoldoende omdat hiërarchie zich niet meer uit als voorheen. Wiskunde ≈ radicaliteit. Interactieve workshop met spelen om bepaalde mechanismen te verduidelijken en discussie over hoe we die in de praktijk kunnen gebruiken. Enige wiskunde-achtergrond is niet nodig.